Murder in the First

...all gathered to hear the official reaction.
Associate Warden Milton Glenn...
...introduces Warden John Humson.
Warden Humson will now make
a brief statement and...

...if you please, no questions at the end.
Thank you.

l just want to reassure
the American people that...

...Alcatraz is an escape-proof prison.
They have nothing to fear.
The inmates, McCain and Young...
...will be brought up on escape charges.
There will be time in solitary confinement.
Privileges will be taken away from them.
And the whole rehabilitation process
will begin.

Definition of rehabilitate:
''To restore to a state of physical...
''...mental and moral health
through treatment and training.''

Hello, hello, hello.
Eleven times 1 1 ...
...121 .
Twelve times 12...
Thirteen times 13...
Fourteen times 14....
When Henri Young began
his rehabilitation...

...I was in my first year of law school
at Harvard.
