Murder in the First

What about when they're back
on the Rock with Mr. Glenn?

They'll kill them, that's what.
This is our only chance.
We're talking about your life.

For a smart guy, you're awfully slow.
l'm already dead. l told you that.

You can't change Alcatraz.
lt just is.
So why fight it?
You stand in court preaching. l don't
even know what you're talking about.

Justice. l'm talking about justice.
l killed him, they saw it,
they're going to kill me.

Nothing you say will change that.
So l don't see what you're
so excited about.

This trial doesn't interest you at all?
You don't care about it a bit?

You look like you're having
a good time, so....

No, l don't care.
Main thing is, l got a friend my age
to talk to until they gas me.

l'm not your friend, l'm your attorney.
l'm trying to save your life. Guard!

You know, l have a sister, but...
...l ain't seen her since they put me in jail.
l got nothing. l got nobody.
l don't need a lawyer. l need a friend.
You're doing all this to prove something
to a guy named Darryl, not for me.

You want to do something for me?
Let's play cards.
Go ahead and play cards.
l got a case to try.

Hold it, Jim. Where are you going?
Where are you going?
I'm Henri Young's attorney.
I'd like to ask you a few questions.

I'm going to call prisoners to the stand
to testify about life on Alcatraz.

Where are the dungeons?
What is solitary time
in those dungeons like?

I want the jury to know and understand.
You tell them to get caught
robbing a bank. They'll find out.

l'm done talking.
