My Family

Well, there he is,
all grown up.

My brother Chucho.
And he did grow up into
something special.

But not quite what
my father had imagined.

Chucho was one of the baddest
" pachucos" on the whole east side.

My younger sister Toni,
God bless her.

Pretty as an angel, but
she could get a little bossy.

Hurry up, hermano! You'll miss
your own sister's wedding!

What's with you? It's just a pair
of pants, not the Mona Lisa!

Hey, listen, hermana.
These are Jimmy's pants, see?

And I want to make sure that
they're properly ironed.

There's only one person in this
whole world capable of doing that.

- And who is that?
- That's me.

Abûrrateyourself! Get your
big cholo butt moving, ese!

Get Jimmy moving, too, or nobody
will make the wedding on time!

Hey, I ought to iron
your mouth shut!

There I am, home on leave from
the navy. Boy, was I young then.

My family scheduled the wedding
so I wouldn't miss it

because no one could miss it.
- Hurry up. She's going crazy.
- She was born crazy!

- I heard that!
- Come on, hurry up.

- The door, open the door.
- Yeah, I got it, I got it.

See you outside!
Come on.

That my younger brother
Guillermo. Quite a handle, no?

So everybody called him
just Memo.

My sister Irene...
Finally getting married.
Biggest day of her life.

- Let me help you with your dress.
- Hurry up!

Irene, what happened since
you were measured for this?

They must have made a mistake
or something.

Okay, bend over.
All right. One...
