
...then what is
the point of democracy?

The point
of democracy is...

...that even the son of a grocer
can become president.

And you came damn close, Dick.
How are you? Hi, John.

New York treating you all right?
I'm sorry I haven't been able to see you.

You're looking happy, Rocky.
Happy. Happy, Dick Nixon.

You remember him.
Nice to see you again.

You're obviously making him happy.
Repartee, Dick! That is marvelous!

What you predicting?
Your boy Goldwater
gonna split the party?

Some say you are, Rocky.
Let me tell you something Dick.

Every time the Republican party is
a home to extremism, we lose the God damn election.

You oughta know better than anybody.

This guy Goldwater
is as stupid as McCarthy.

And McCarthy never did you any good
in the long run, now, did he?

That's right.
I hate these
cocktail parties.

John, I'm in hell.
I'll be mentally dead in two years
and physically dead in four.

Make some money, Dick.
Prove yourself
to the Wall Street crowd.

Let Goldwater and Rockefeller
take the fall against Kennedy.

I don't know why.
I miss making love to the people.

I miss entering a room.
I miss the
pure acting of it, John.

I gotta get back
in the arena.

Ladies and gentlemen,
it's show time!

Right this way, ladies and gentlemen.
It's for you, it's for me.
It's Studebaker for 1963.

Amen. Bless you
for being here.

There's a man that loves Studebakers.
Can I get your autograph?

The ex-vice president...
Mr. Nixon, please run again!

...of the United States,
Richard M. Nixon!

You throw
a hell of a party, Jack.

The party ain't even
started yet.

I've asked these gals out to the ranch
for a little private thing.

We're gonna have some fun,
I guarantee ya.

And there's some fellas
I'd really like you to meet.

Trini and I got an early plane. We're
hoping to be back in New York for...
