
If I'd been president,
they never would've killed me.

Vice President Johnson,
shown here being sworn in...

Dick, are you gonna call? Bobby.

...has taken the reins of power
in a smooth transition.

I'll go through Johnson.
We'll be invited.
This is a sad time for all people.
I ask for your help.
...and are
going to see Vietnam through...

:53:36 an honorable peace...
:53:41 defend
an honored cause...

...whatever the price,
whatever the burden...

...whatever the sacrifice...
...that duty
may require.

I shall not seek...
...and I will not accept...
...the nomination of my party
for another term as your president.

Good night,
and God bless all of you.

Johnson's withdrawal
resurrects Richard Nixon...

:54:16 a strong Republican candidate
with a secret plan to end the war.

His mother, Hannah Nixon,
just before her death last year...

...commented on
her son's chances.

Mrs. Nixon, do you think your son
will ever return to politics?

I don't think he has a choice.
He has always been a leader.
Do you think he'd make
a great president, Mrs. Nixon?

If he's on God's side, yes.
You must be very proud of your son.
I have always been proud
of all of my children.

Of course,
no one can see into the future.

We didn't know
this day would come.

Where'd he go?
In the side door.
