No Way Back

Trouble in paradise?
The guy in 9-C. Typical sub-B type.
I tried courtesy, small talk,
a sincere and inviting smile.

Well, this isn't training.
These are real people.

Personalities go ape-shit
when people get stressed out.

For all we know, this guy could have
an incredible fear of flying.

Sometimes the best thing is
just to leave him alone.

In the last 30 years there have been
25 million auto-related fatalities...

...compared with only 3000
caused by airline disasters.

Most of those can be traced
to bad weather conditions.

Since it's summer and we're
nowhere near a thunderstorm...

...there's no reason
to be afraid of flying.

What you're really feeling
is the fear of the unknown.

Does that make sense?
I am not afraid to fly.
Very good.
I mean, I'm not afraid of flying.
Then your rude behavior
and total lack of respect for me...

:34:19 your natural personality
and not due to stress?

Okay, you're right.
I'm stressed out.

I sure hope so.
Otherwise we both just made
big fools of ourselves.
