No Way Back

Then it's not money.
-Shut up.
-Why am I being treated like this?

Karma. You do shit,
then shit happens to you.

-I did not hire Seiko!

She decides to give a stranger a call
before going on a killing spree?

I don't think so.
Stay in fucking front of me.

-She wanted yakuza's help.

I couldn't give it to her.
She went after Victor herself.

Yeah, right. Why would Seiko
want Victor Serlano dead?

-I should have thought of that.

Why won't you believe me?
In my experience, criminals have
a moral problem with honesty.

-I'm telling you the truth.
-I don't give a shit.

You're Serlano's problem now,
not mine, okay?

I'm tired of your bullshit! I know
you had Serlano killed! Admit it!

Start spilling your guts
or I'll spill them for you.

-I've already told you the truth.
-Tell me!

Tell me you had him killed!
I didn't.
This is your last chance.
You tell me or your life is over.
I did not kill Serlano's son.
Is this a bonding moment or what?
Mr. Contingency wins again.
I'll take that.
