Once Were Warriors

And inside
are the most

choicest carvings.
Oh, and inside
are photos

of the old people
and the Tukutuku

You know, I used to
help Nannie

and Auntie Matawai
repair them.

Well, why don't we
ever go there, Mum?

One day we'll all
end up there.

See over there
to the right?

That's the Urupa...
the family cemetery.
All my family
are buried there.

I'd love to go
and see them.

Not before me,
you don't.

Your father and I
were going to get
hitched there.

Except we didn't.
I wasn't bloody
good enough...

not for their
royal highness.

Tell them everything,
why don't you?

Your mother
was beautiful...

of the fucking tribe...

And this old
black-ass comes along

and steals her away.
And you know where
I come from, kids?

A long line of slaves.
Fucking slaves.
I'd like to see
those wankers

call Jake the Muss
that now.

Ah, this place
gives me the creeps.

Come on, kids.
Doesn't give me
the creeps.

You never met
my grandmother.
