
Bring in the supplies.
-What's holding them up?
-There they are now.

Ray Fowler, Chief of Police. Mayor Gaddis.
I'm Dr. Keough from CDC.
This is Dr. Aronson and Dr. Ruiz.

Cedar Creek is a small town.
We're like a family. Everybody's scared.

I know and we're here to help you in
any way we can. I'll be in charge.

I thought he was in charge.
Hi, Robby.
We just set up the BL4 mobile unit.

Why're you here?
I thought Ford sent you to New Mexico.

He did.
We're keeping the patients
isolated in here.

There's so many.
So many, so fast.
Apparently they all got it
at a movie theater.

Dr. Daniels?
There's something you should see.
This way.

The patient was admitted a week ago
after a car accident.

He's had no contact
with anyone in isolation.
