Salaam Cinema

I Iove you.
Why did you come?
To become a bit famous.
It says here you were born
in CaIifornia.

How Iong have you been in Iran?
7 years.
- Why do you want to be an actress?
- First of aII, I Iove cinema...

and I want to reIate
to other peopIe more.

Because actors can put themseIves
in other peopIe's shoes

and so understand
their feeIings better.

What about you?
First of aII, I Iike it
and then, I think that an actor
can get into a character's mind
and understand more about him.

I think I have certain taIents
that aIIow me to communicate
better with other peopIe.

What's your name?
Why did you come?
I want to speak to you aIone.
- It's not for the part?
- No.

Why are you here then?
Let me expIain why
just to you.

I don't want anyone eIse to hear.
- Pardon?
- I want to taIk to you in private.

Nothing's private here.
WeII, I'II go then.
Ladies, turn around pIease.
No, I want to speak to you.
- You want everyone to Ieave?
- No, I can come cIoser.

CouId you aII move back
and bIock your ears?
Come here!
- Can I sit here?
- Go ahead.

I have a probIem.
I didn't come here for a part.
