Sense and Sensibility

It is not broken.
Can you put your arm about my neck?
Allow me to escort you home.
At last!
She fell down and he's carrying her!
Marianne, are you hurt?
It's a twisted ankle.
It's not serious.
I felt the bone. and it's sound.

- I cannot begin to thank you.
- Do not think of it.

- Will you not be seated?
- I'd leave a water mark.

- But permit me to call tomorrow.
- We shall look forward to it.

I'll show you out.
Margaret, get the gentleman's hat.
- His name!
- To whom are we so much obliged?

John Willoughby of Allenham
at your service.

John Willoughby of Allenham ...
What an impressive gentleman!
He lifted me as if I weighed no more
than a dried leaf.

- Tell me if I hurt you.
- She feels no pain, Mamma.

Margaret, ask Betsy to make up
a cold compress.

Please don't say anything important.
- He expressed himself well.
- With decorum and honour.

- And spirit and wit and feeling.
- And economy. Ten words at most.
