Sense and Sensibility

- These are not from the hothouse.
- Mine is not the first offering.

- They come from an obliging field.
- I always prefer wild flowers.

- Would you ..?
-your gratitude is beyond words.

I've grieved for this lonely house.
Then I heard it was taken.

I felt an interest which nothing can
account for but my present delight.

Pray sit, Mr. Willoughby.
Who is reading
Shakespeare's sonnets?

- Marianne is reading them out.
- And which are your favourites?

Mine is 1 16.
"Let me not to the marriage
of true minds admit impediments."

"Love is not love which alters
when it alteration finds. -

- or bends with the remover
to remove ..."

- How does it continue?
- "No. it is an ever fixed mark ..."

- "That looks on tempests..."
- Is it "tempests"?

It's strange you are reading these.
I carry them with me always.

Until tomorrow then ...
My pocket sonnets are yours.
A talisman against further injury.

Goodbye. Thank you.
Good work. Marianne. You covered
Shakespeare, Scott, poetry.

When you know his views on romance,
you'll have nothing left to talk of.
