Something to Talk About

If you don't love me,
I wish you would just say so.

I know I'm a disappointment.
I'm a disappointment to myself.
Do you think this is what I want to be?

I've done exactly what's expected of me
all my life.

I work for my father and so do you.
Look at us. We've both turned into exactly
what we swore we'd never become.

We used to like each other.
We used to make each other laugh.
It used to be so easy.
What happened to
Sunday under the covers...

...dancing in the den
after Caroline had gone to bed...

...and making love after two hours' sleep.
Whatever happened to you wanting me?
I mean, you know me.
I'm not one of those guys.
I'm a decent person.
You know me.
I'm the guy you fell in love with.

You know me.
-I've done something so wrong.
-Forget it. It's okay.

It's not okay. I think we should....
-I don't feel good.
-We should take you to the hospital.

-There's something in the fish.
-There's what?

In the fish.
Which hospital?
We're almost there!
We're almost there! Oh, God, hold on!

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
