The American President

Mr.Rothschild asked to have
a moment with you this morning.

Is he upset about the speech last night?
He seemed concerned.
It wouldn't be a Monday morning
unless Lewis was concerned...

...about what I did Sunday night.
You skipped the paragraph.
Monday morning, it is.
"Americans can no longer afford to pretend
they live in a Great Society."

And then nothing.
You dumped the handguns paragraph.

This is a time for prudence, Lewis.
That was the kick-ass section.
I thought, with being president and all...
- I didn't mean to imply--
- I thought you'd be turning cartwheels.

- Sixty-three percent job approval.
- That is good news.

'Morning, Mr.President.
- Charlie.
- 'Morning, Charlie.

The press is gonna need an explanation.
For what?
You dumped the whole kick-ass section.
Now we've got this thing
hanging out there.

This "thing"?
"Americans can't afford to pretend
they live in a Great Society"...

No explanation, no context, just this thing.
And it's hanging out there.
Yes, sir.
- Maria.
- 'Morning, sir.

- I'll need the consumer--
- Overall consumer spending.

- We'll have it in 15 minutes.
- Thanks.

- Mr.President, we need to focus on--
- Reduce your morning coffee by half.

- I don't drink coffee, sir.
- Hit your head with a baseball bat.

- Happy birthday, Laura.
- Happy birthday.

- I should send her flowers.
- You did, sir.

Good morning.
- How are you today, Mrs.Chapil?
- Fine, thank you, sir.

Mr.Kodak left a detailed breakdown
of the approval poll for you.

He said it was very good news.
Sixty-three percent of it, at any rate.
Lucy called. You forgot to sign
her permission slip for her class.

The museum trip. I'll get it, sir.
- What time's she getting home?
- 3:20.

- How's my afternoon?
- Very crowded.

Schedule some time at 3:45.
Too tall McCall. So how was Mexico?
I didn't truly appreciate it till I discovered
that America isn't a "Great Society."

He dumped the whole section.
Now this thing's hanging out there.
Not a "Great Society"?
With you away it wasn't.
Now that you're back we're great again.
