The American President

You talked to Mr.Linder?
It's a parent-teacher conference
and Mr.Linder and I were the key players.

Why don't you like social studies?
I like it fine, Dad.
All your other teachers say
you're happy and enthusiastic.

Mr.Linder says you never participate
unless asked.

Even then, it's a one-word answer.
I don't know, Dad.
I guess I'm just not...
I don't know.
Take a look at this book.
This is exciting stuff.

It's about who we are and what we want.
Read what it says on the first page.
"Property of Gilmore Junior High."
The next page, Luce.
"We, the People of the United States...
- " Order to form a perfect Union"--
- It grabs you right away.

This is a page-turner.
I can't wait.
Good. It's possible this subject
may come up at dinner.

Do you see it as part of your job
to torture me?

No, just one of the perks. See you tonight.
The C-STAD hardware's been in place
for a month.

We have 22 instructors
from the Army Air Defense School...

...waiting to train the Israelis.
How soon can you deploy them?
We can airlift them by morning.
They'll have C-STAD operational in 20 days.

Any security concerns?
If anybody wanted to hit it,
they'd have hit it by now.

Let's move on it. Thank you, gentlemen.
- Good night, gentlemen.
- Thank you.

Have a good evening, Mrs.Chapil.
Janie, I'll see you tomorrow morning.

Good night, Janie.
Good night, Mrs.Chapil.

- Mr.President.
- Thank you.

Leo Solomon brought in
a hired gun at the GDC.

- It's about time.
- She's a lawyer from Virginia.

Sydney Ellen Wade.
I know her pretty well.
