The American President

...I will promise you
full White House support.

Do I have your word on that, sir?
Are you hungry?
I skipped breakfast. You want...

:20:14 have a donut, coffee or something?
I'm a little intimidated
by my surroundings and yes...

...I have gotten off
to a rocky and stilted beginning...

...but don't let that diminish
the weight of my message.

The GDC has been at every president
for the last decade and a half...

...that global warming is a calamity...
...the effects of which will be second
only to nuclear war.

The best scientists have given you
every reason to take the GDC seriously...

...but I'll give you one more:
If you don't live up
to the deal you just made...

...we're gonna go shopping
for a new candidate.

You can't do that.
With all due respect,
who's going to stop me?

If you go through that door,
the U.S. Secret Service.

That's my private office.
You have to go out that door over there.
McSorley, McCluskey and Shane know
we're moving on the crime bill.

- They're focusing on assault weapons.
- Should I meet with them?

- Let Lewis take a pass at them first.
- Fine.

Two ball in the side.
Nice shot, Mr.President.
"Nice shot, Mr.President"?
You won't even call me by my name
when we're playing pool?

I will not do it playing pool,
I will not do it in a school.

I do not like green eggs and ham,
I do not like them, Sam I am.

At ease, A.J. At ease.
Would you get away from the pocket?
I beg your pardon, sir.
Nine ball in the corner.
