The Bridges of Madison County

-I don't understand it either.
-When did she decide this?

Apparently just before her death.
-I don't know anybody who gets cremated.
-Lots of people do.

Nobody in my family did.
Dad bought plots at Prairie Hills...

:02:17 for him, one for Mom.
-The will clearly states--
-I don't care what it says.

Maybe Mom was delirious. Maybe
she didn't know what she was saying.

If she wanted to be cremated, why
the hell did she let Dad buy 2 plots?

She was very specific.
She wanted her ashes to be thrown off
Roseman Bridge.


Mr. Peterson, are you sure
Mom wrote all this?

It was notarized and witnessed by
Mrs. Lucy Delaney.

-Maybe you could ask her.
-Who the hell is she?

I remember her, I just don't--
I don't care if it's legal. We're
not cremating her or throwing...

...her ashes off some bridge
where we can't visit her...

...because she'll be blown all over!
-And people driving all over her, dogs--
-We're not doing it.

I'm not even sure
it's Christian.

Maybe it's an Italian thing.
She was Italian.

Doesn't matter!
Move on.
We can come back to this.
Why don't we open the box?
Michael, look at these.
Have you ever seen these pictures?
