The Bridges of Madison County

...and I've got a tripod,
and my pants are around my ankles.

I'm behind a bush, and then
suddenly I see this gorilla.

A huge gorilla,
staring right at me...

...with the most lascivious look
you've ever seen.

More than any creature
with that much hair.

I freeze, because that's
what you're supposed to do.

And then
it started coming towards me.

And what?
My God!

I can't....
You're blushing.
It's a very painful subject.
A very sore...

...sore subject matter, really.
-What happened?
-We became engaged.

You should really...
...write these stories down.
I would, except this is a female
gorilla. It had on eye shadow...

...and a little lip gloss on
and it was so nice....

We still write.
I don't want
to put this stuff down.

I'm afraid....
I'm afraid my writing's
a little too technical.

The trouble with being a
journalist too long is...

:41:28 stop allowing yourself
to invent.

I'll just stick to making pictures.
Making pictures.
I like that.
You really love what you do.
I'm obsessed by it, really.
Why is that, do you think?
I don't know.
I don't think obsessions have reasons.
That's why they're obsessions.
