The Crossing Guard

- Please. We can do
a fashion show outside.
- Thank you.

- Who is that, Jefferey?
- It's my boyfriend Gene.

- Did you get the car?
- Yeah. The car's outside.

- Let's get the fuck out of here.
Okay. All right.
- Finally!

- Are you okay?
- I'm just fuckin' great.

- Thank you.
- I can't get this thing.

- Where's the fuckin' car?
- Over there.

# I might
just change my mind #

# Sometimes
you can never tell #

# Where a story
will unwind #

# How deep is
a shallow well #

# Sometimes
you would never guess #

# Who's all talk
and who just might #

# Find a way
or lose themselves #

- Same time tomorrow?
- Same, same.

All right. See you then. Hey.
- Thanks for coming all the way out here.
- Don't worry about it, man.

I've got a sailor
in every port.

- Do you know where we're goin'?
- Yeah, I got, I got directions.

Oh, grand.
So, John,
you know, there's women
and there's ladies.

- Jojo's a lady.
- Yep.

- So, did you fuck her?
- What do you do
with information like this?

What do you think I do? You see
the way I live. Counting angry lovers.

Watching bad cartoons.
Gotta give me somethin'.
