The Net

Don't take this the wrong way,
but this isn't exactly my style.

l thought you liked taking risks.
Yes, but you know what l mean.
You know ... first date, sex,
one-night stand. That sort of thing.

- You're the relationship kind?
- Absolutely. Both times.

- So when was the last time?
- 1933.

l see.
Who was he?
A college boyfriend?

l bet he was
the captain of the drinking team.

- Wasn't ready for a relationship.
- l wish l had been that lucky.

No, it was my shrink, actually.
You know the story.
l thought l was lonely, and ...

... he forgot he was married.
But it didn't last very long.

And then my mom developed
Alzheimer's, so it was ...

You know what?
l'm going to shut up right now!

- lt's okay.
- lt's me who can't bear to hear it.

Sorry. l'm rambling
because l'm a Iittle nervous.
