The Net

Hello, hello ...
How did l get here?

Fishermen found you. They brought
you here. You were very lucky.

- How long have l been here?
- Three days. Try not to talk.

We found a man's wallet
filled with money, but ...

- No, no ... he ...
- No, we couldn't find him.

There was a disk.
A green square, plastic.

Oh, yes ...
The disk was ruined by the sun.

- You relax now, and get well.
- No, l need ...

- You haven't got the strength.
- My clothes. How much do l owe you?

- Please, you have to relax now.
- No, l need my clothes.

l have to go.
l just need my clothes.

l have to go.
l just need my clothes.

Turning to national news,
ourcorrespondentDaniel Schorr.

Wall Streetpanicked when
stockprices seemed to tumble.

The losses were fictitious,
caused by computerpranksters ...

l need my room key for 2806, please.
Angela Bennett.

Wall Street will open tomorrow-
- protected by Gregg Microsystems'
securityprogramme, ''Gatekeeper''.

- Whatabout thatprank downtown?
- Short-sheeting a bed is a prank.
