The Usual Suspects

I got to make like I was notorious.
Allright, you all know the drill.
When your number is called,
step forward and repeat the phrase...

:08:08've been given.

Number 1...
...step forward.
Hand me the keys,
you fucking cocksucker.

Number 2, step forward.
Gimme the fucking keys, you
fucking cocksucker motherfucker--!

Knock it off! Get back!
Number 3, step forward.
Hand me the keys,
you cocksucker.

In english, please.
Excuse me?
In english.
Hand me the fucking keys,
you cocksucker, what the fuck...

Number 4, step forward.
It was bullshit.
The whole wrap was a set-up.

Hand me the keys,
you fucking cocksucker.

It was all the cops' fault.
You don't put guys like that
into a room together.

Who knows what can happen.
Hand me the keys,
you fucking cocksucker.

This has really got to be...
...embarrassing for you guys.
They drilled us all night.
Somebody was pissed about that truck
getting hijacked, and the cops had nothing.

They were hoping somebody would
slip up and give them something to go on.

They knew we wouldn't fight it
because they knew how to lean on us.

They'd been doing it forever.
I mean, our rights went out the window.
It was a violation. I mean, disgraceful.

They went after McManus first.
Top-notch entry man.
What truck?
The truck with the guns, fucko.
Fucko? Brrr...
He was a good guy.
Crazy, though.

Wanna know what your
buddy Fenster told us?

McManus. He told us
another story altogether.

Oh, that one about the
hooker with dysentery.

Fenster always worked
with McManus.

He was a real tight-ass...
...but when it came to the job,
he was right on. A smart man.

What are you saying?
I say he'll flip you.
