The Usual Suspects

I love you.
They ruined me in there tonight.
I love you.
Do you hear me?
All right.
Let's just go to my place.
We'll worry about this tomorrow.
Fenster and McManus had a cagey proposition.
A fast jump. High risk.
Long money.

We all knew it could be done.
The way I figured,
to do it wrong meant killing.

To do it right took five men.
Five men meant Keaton.
Keaton took convincing.
New York finest taxi service.
They don't operate anymore.
McManus has a friend in the 14th Precinct.
They're coming out for one job - Thursday.

They are picking up a guy smuggling
emeralds out of South America.

McManus already has a fence
set to take the stuff.

A fence? Who?
Some guy in California.
His name is Redfoot.

I never heard of him.
You have to come.
What's it to you
wether I do it not?

They don't know me. You do.

They won't take me
unless you go.

Look at me.
I need this.

Oh, are you telling me
you don't need this?

Is this your place?
I'm not knocking you, you look like you've got
a good little scam going on with this lawyer--
