The Usual Suspects

In every case the witnesses either
reversed their testimony to the grand jury...

...or died before they could testify.
When they finally nailed him for fraud
he spent five years in Sing Sing.

He killed three
prisioners inside.

Of course
I can't prove this.

But I can't prove
the best part either:

Dean Keaton was dead.
Did you know that?
He died in a fire
two years ago...

...during an investigation into
the murder of a witness...

...who was going to
testify against him.

Two people saw Dean Keaton
walk into a warehouse he owned...

...just before it blew up.
They said he went in to
check a leaking gas main.

It blew up, and took all
of Dean Keaton with it.

Within three months
of the explosion...

...the two witnesses,
they were dead.

One killed himself in his car...
...the other fell down an
open elevator shaft.

Agent Baer.
This is not what we discussed.
There are far too many people in this room--

Look, doctor, I promise we'll be out of
here before he blows his porcelain. Ok?

I have a noon meeting, Baer.
- Agent Baer, five minutes.
- Look, everyone just calm down. All right?

I want you to ask this man about the shoot-out in the harbor.
He says they were buying--
Dope, we know.
He doesn't know what they
were buying, but not dope... people.

He needs guarantees...
What is he talking about?
He says his life's in danger.
He saw the devil.
Looked him in the eye.

- I'm on my way.
- No, no. Wait a minute.

Ask him to tell him what he told me.
