Toy Story

Next shuttle liftoff is scheduled for...
- T-minus 30 seconds and counting.
You are clear to enter.
Welcome to Pizza Planet.
The white zone is for immediate pizza-
- Sheriff!
There you are.
Now, the entrance is heavily guarded.
We need a way to get inside.

- Great idea, Woody.
I like your thinkin'.
You are clear to enter.
- Welcome to Pizza Planet.
- Now!

Quickly, Sheriff!
The air lock is closing.

Jones, party
of five, your shuttle is now boarding-

Hey, Mom, can we have some tokens?
Ow! Watch
where you're going!

... nine, eight, seven, six,
- five, four, three,
What a spaceport!
Good work, Woody.

Mom, can I play Black Hole?
Please, please, please?

- Andy!
- Now, we need to find a ship
that's headed for Sector 12.

Wait a minute.
No, no, no, Buzz! This way.

- There's a special ship.
I just saw it.
- You mean it has hyperdrive?

Hyperactive hyperdrive.
- And Astro, uh, turf!
- Where is it? I-I don't see the-
- Come on. That's it.

