Under Siege 2: Dark Territory

She got him. He fell between
the first car and the locomotive.

Is this a confirmation?
He's now hamburger. He's probably spread
about halfway across the state.


We got him.
But the bastard took out six men.
You stay here, okay? I'm going back.
Be careful.

You said these men were good.

Who was he?

What was he doing downstairs?
The man is a soldier-of-fortune freak.

Ran a war camp in Alabama.
They sat around playing paint ball.

That's not the whole story.
The relationship between Penn and Dane
resurfaced during Desert Storm.

When Dane apparently died,
we pulled surveillance off them.

We're aware of that.
The connection is tenuous.

Let me tell you what it really is.
lt's another classic example
of the CIA not doing their homework.

Excuse me?

In the last few years,
Penn developed a network of contacts.

North Korea, here in the US,
in particular in the Middle East.

Best guess is this: If he's hooked up
with Dane, they have the money to do it.


Why did he need power?

The phone!

Call Philippe, tell him
he's working tomorrow.

Damn it!

On second thought, he worked yesterday.
Call Antoine.


You've been shot.
No, there's no bullet. No bullet in here.

You think this is '"been shot'"?
This ain't it.
Let's see here....
Access encoded....
Gigabyte of RAM should do the trick.
