
God, this guy is fun!
Could we at least advise Mr Barnes?
We'd prefer to have Sid 6.7 subdued
as opposed to terminated.

We'll destroy the prototype of
future humanoid nano-technology.

- Have they found the programmer yet?
- Lindenmeyer? Not yet.

You'd think the cops
could at least find him.

Lindenmeyer was your programmer,
Mr Wallace.

- I shot the guy 30-40 times.
- I don't care. Those are real people!

Control yourself
or you're back in the box.

I'm sorry. Shoot me.
I mean, granted...

This is not a game,
but Sid is still from the game.

I can't catch him
if I'm in the penitentiary.

Grimes is a part of Sid 6.7.
There's no doubt in my mind about that.

Last night Sid tried taunting me,
just like Grimes used to do. Look.

- We don't know if he's the dominant.
- I know.

That's how I know, because I know.
Maybe that's what
Sid wants you to think.

Push you over the edge,
make you slip up.

Sid didn't push me over the edge,
and I didn't slip up.

Take a look at this.
Sid from the Media Zone,
taken from their own recording.

He can't get enough of himself.
He's gonna want more of this.

More victims, bigger events,
more coverage. Just like Grimes.

Matthew Grimes was
a political terrorist.

His specialty was bombing
populated targets.

Any mass expression of democracy,
anywhere where a lot of people can die
and it can be recorded live!

This behaviour was never
part of his original programming.

Sid 6.7 isn't bound
by programming any more.
