
Hey, what are you doing ?

- No, you can't do that.
- I need another piece.
I want to draw some more.

I'll get it to you.
Just stay in the back.

With all those chits,
you could order up a bath.

- Have you ever had a freshwater bath ?
- Why are you talkin' to me ?

Just being friendly.
- Is that a tomato plant ?
- Yeah.

You have a keen eye.
Saw one in a picture.
How much ?

Half your chits.
- I'll take them too.
- Take what ?

- You bought everything.
- I'll take them shelves.

So, what did you see out there
in your 15 months ?

- Such as ?
- An end to all this water.

Askin' the wrong person.
- The one they buried today ?
- Uh-huh ?

She found the only end there is.
I've got a proposition
for you, Mariner.

- I'm not staying.
- We're not asking you to.
All we want is your seed.

We can look to our own
for impregnation,

but too much of that sort of thing
gets... undesirable.

When she's pregnant,
you go on your way...

with all the supplies
you need.

You don't have anything.
You're dying.

No man stays out that long
and turns down a woman.

- He's hiding something.
- Maybe he's a Smoker spy.
