A Time to Kill

Noose selects this panel randomly.
Too many bad candidates and we're sunk.
Luck of the draw.
What you need...
...is young fathers who want
to do what Carl Lee did.

Agreed. We need young
men with families here.

I'd prefer no one over 50.
Less bigotry with youth.

So we stay away from women,
rednecks and old men.

Citizens, thank you.
Counsel, you each have 12
challenges. Let's begin.

The state challenges jurors #6...
...and 32.
Your Honor, the defense
strikes jurors 1, 4...

...8 and 2.
27, 28.
And 31.
Your Honor, the defense also
strikes jurors 22 and 29.

That's it, then.
You're out of challenges.

Jurors, you will be
sequestered starting tonight.

Opening statements begin tomorrow.
That's a jury of my peers?
God bless America.
My name is Stump Sisson...
...and I'm proud to be a Grand Dragon...
...for the lnvisible Empire...
...of the Ku Klux Klan!
What the hell?
I'm here to say...
...that the law-abiding
whites of this state...

...are sick and tired
of niggers stealing...

...raping, killing, and
getting away with it!

We demand justice!
