A Time to Kill

Pleasure, Mr. Brigance.
If it's a party, where's the beer?
...your being here seems a bit like
illegal client solicitation...

...with Carl Lee
already having a lawyer.

Just a minute.
Carl Lee invited us here.
Mr. Brigance...
...let me be frank.
Mr. Hailey's case has
far-reaching ramifications.

Carl Lee's acquittal for
killing 2 white men...

...would do more for
black people than...

...any event since we
integrated the schools.

His conviction, on the other
hand, will be a slap at us.

A symbol of deep-seated racism.
Perhaps enough to ignite a nation.
See how important this case is?
Enter Mr. Reinfeld's death squad, right?
It's an unfortunate
nickname, but apropo.

My lawyers and I handle
only capital murder cases.

Of all your cases...
...how many are supposed to be
lost so you can martyr the victim?

How much a defense like that cost?
What, about $100,000?
We are prepared to accept $7,000
in litigation expenses.

Carl Lee doesn't have $7,000.
Do you?
The NAACP...
...has raised $5,000 for Carl
Lee's legal defense fund.

And we raised an additional
$2,000 from local churches.

Let me ask you something.
How much of that cash you
offer my wife and kids?

That money...
...is to go to pay for lawyers' fees.
That ain't what you told the church.
You almost cried when you told them...
...how my family might starve
if they didn't donate.

The money is for you
and your family, but...

...we thought it'd be better
spent on the legal defense.

Speaking of that defense fund...
