Beautiful Thing

You cannot transmit the HIV virus
via frottage.

-What's frottage?
-Yoghurt. It's French.

Dear Brian,
I am twenty-three, black, and gay.

I am happy being with a man, but get a horrible feeling that
people are going to talk about me behind my back,

and not accept me as I am.
Also, my family don't know.
Unhappy, north London.

Get over that river, mate.
I'll make you happy!

Find page ninety-two.
It's the bottom right-hand corner.
It's a pub.
One-eighty bus goes right to it.

Look at that.
Isn't that beautiful?

You'd never get it through the front door.
Yeah, well, you never know when you're gonna be
living somewhere else do you?

That is a work of art.
Claude Monet couldna done better.
Get a life.
D'you know who Claude Monet is?
Jamie, don't make me out to be thick.
You just remember I won a year's supply of
toilet freshener for making up that poem.

That took brains and artistry,
that did.

Can you imagine it though?
Me and you with our feet up
on a cold winter's night?

-On that.
