Big Night

Not everybody have everything
given to them with a silver lini n g,

You coul d very easy serve th e shit
at your ol d man's pl ace, Very easy.

Mik e, hi, I'm Gabri ella,
Can I ask you a favor?
I have a frien d,

he n eeds... I don't kn ow what h e n eeds,
but he'll come by later.

- No, I'm coming now!
- Give him a good deal.

Hey, Mik e, you'r e the best of them all,
You kn ow that?

Whenever you r wife leaves you,
you cal I me. Okay?

Hey, love you.
Bye, Mik e.

- Wh o's th at?
- Mik e,

Go, Go get you r cheap booze.
He's not here.
You gotta come back when he's h ere.

Come back in a h alf h ou r.
Then he'll be here.

I'm tir ed today,
I'm so tired.

You tir ed today?
- Ther e you go,
- Th an k you,

Tak e a br eak,
You mu st be tir ed,
