Big Night

Mr, Pascal,
I h ave to go sh oppi n g, honey.

- You need me for an ything?
- He n eeds you for everything,

You're cr azy, Good-bye.
You come back,

Ameri can girl s!
You fu cking guy!
How"s it going?

- Gr eat, Can I mak e you someth ing?
- No. Looks good,

Fuck. You guys are goi n g to town!
Come on, I'll buy you a drink.
- So, shapi n g u p,
- Yes, huh?

Anythin g you need,
you let me know.

- I bou ght a boat,
- You bought a boat?

Sail a way
Into the sunset

- So, h ere i s to ton ight, yes?
- To toni ght.

Maestr o!
Th at fu cking sauce! Unbel ievable!

- What can I say?
- You say thank you,

- Pascal bought a boat.
- That mean you gonna sail away?

Maybe, if the sky is red i n the mo. N...
No, if th e sun i s r ed.
No, th e sky.

Wh at i s the rhyme?
Yeah, when i s the good one?
Red sky at morning
mean it will r ai n outside,

Wh at about rain inside?
- Huh? Nothing,
- No, Wh at you mean?

You say, "rai n outside, '" and f or you
to u se the wor d "'outsi de'" is funny.

- Wh y?
- Because it can't rain in side.

I no say "'insi de, '"
I say "'outside, '"

I kn ow.
- So where is th e problem?
- I don't get it,

Well, you don't have to say "outside'"
because it can't rain i n side.

- What th e fuck?
- I know it can't r ain i n side.

F o. Get it,
- Wh at th e fuck i s he talking about?
- I'n confu sed,

- No, I nak e fu n,
- You mak e fun of your brother,

- No, I mak e li k e a jok e!
- I don't hear th e jok e.
