
Stubby, thriving on chaos!
Those will sell better
than lron Maiden merch.

Let´s hope so.
l just want
you gentlemen to remember...

how important you are
to this whole experiment.

Feel free to contribute.
You are an integral part
of the Bio-Dome system.

Since you put it that way...
we´re thinking of you producing
environmental condoms.

So when you rip the packet...
it´s automatic sap lubrication.
No chalk on the bark.
Then, when you´re
pollinating your flower...

slide, slide, slippedy-slide.
Just smooth...right in.
Then there´s the Bud and Doyle
action figures.

Action figures.
Anatomically correct,
of course.

And last but not least...
Watch this.
Hi. l´m Doyle.
And l´m Bud.
And when we´re not out
saving the environment...

we´re thinking of you.
Naked, thigh-deep in tofu.
You likey, Leaky?
Our home is the Garden of Eden.
More like
the Garden of Boredom.

l´m Chairman of the Bored.
We can have our own fun.
Remember when
the Magnavox went out...

when we were kids?
Fly, Mary Poppins.
Fly, supercali-fragilistic-

Can we do it again?
Those were the days.
Cheer up, buckaroo.
Just because
we´re stuck in a bubble...

doesn´t mean we can´t
cause any trouble.
