Bitter Sugar

So, if you get a stomach ache,
it's not my fault.

You're poisoning us!
Ah, but the real hero
of this cake is Aunt Antonia.

Aunt Antonia surrendered
her virginity...

:16:19 a hotel chef
in exchange for six eggs.

Oh, my God!
My God nothing,
you enjoyed it!

No, that's a joke
I'm playing on Aunt Antonia.

And so, since this is
a Socialist cake...

...obtained through barter
and exchange...

...and through being social with
this one and social with that one...

...this is a true Socialist cake.
So I say,
"Cake or Death, we shall eat!"

And now, let's eat it!
Am I late?
You dance so well,
you must teach me.

What for?
You're going to do very well in Prague.

Hell of a polka you just
danced on my left foot.

Careful, "little worm,"
or I'll throw you in the water.

I'm Zoraya with a pussy like Papaya.
Wait a minute, baby!

Come, hold on to me.
Did you bring me a graduation present?

Of course.
It's a surprise...
Look at that.

The police.
Now she's in trouble.

Hold it.
You sexy thing.
How's business?

Here, cop a little feel... 'cause I
haven't found any fucking foreigners.
