Black Sheep

If I got the same welcome everywhere
I went that I got here in my home town,

my candidacy would be a lock!
With your help, we will make it
all the way to the Capitol!

(chanting) Al Donnelly! Al Donnelly!
Al Donnelly! Al Donnelly!

(amplified barking and growling)
- Did you do this?
- No, no, no... Did you?

Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
- (woman screams)
- Mother...

Oh, there is a God.
Tell me that is not your brother.
What the hell is a marquee doin' here?
It's crazy!

Al, I'm so sorry.
Man, I don't know what happened.

Mike, forget it.
Did you think it was a drive-in movie?

(both laugh)
(blasts horn)
I could get time off from the rec centre.
They said I could, to help you campaign.

So I was thinking maybe I could go
on the road with you and help out, or...

Mike, I know you're behind me 100%,
but I need some different help from you.
