Bottle Rocket

Look how excited he is.
I gotta do it this way, Dr. Nichols.
I gotta climb out.

It's only one floor down.
Okay. But can you do it fast?
You know, this doesn't look good.
None of this looks good at all.

Well, thanks very much, Dr. Nichols.
You've really been a great help.
You've been a great doctor.

Well, thank you.
Can you hand me my bag, please?
See ya.
Hey, Anthony, don't try
to save everybody, okay?

Okay, I won't.
- See ya later, Felicia.
- Hey, Anthony. Thanks for everything.

- Good-bye. Take care.
- Bye, Barbara.

- See ya, Chris.
- Thanks, Anthony.

Come on. Any problems?
Yes! Wonderful.

Wait, wait.
Who'd you get to do that?

Did you bribe the janitor?

- Driver, what's our E.T.A.?
- 7:30.

Good. We're on schedule. Here's
our agenda for the next few months.

- You'll find everything is in order.
- Practice job. Looks good.

That's our first move when we get back.
Look it over. I'll brief you on the way.

This is what I was trying to do.
The practice job, a heist.
You and I both respond to goals.
- It all leads to Mr. Henry.
- The guy from the letters.

Exactly. This is rough.
You and I respond to structure...
and that's what's important.
"The next 50."
So, did you enjoy your first
visit to the nuthouse?
