Bottle Rocket

That's it.
Give it a little topspin.

A little more!
Good. He listens.
- This kid in?
- I don't know. Are you in?

- You don't understand.
- Let me tell you about this job.

- You don't understand.
- Let me tell you about this job.

I got this program
and I'm trying to stick to it, okay?

Just hear me out.
It's called Hinckley Cold Storage.
Here are a few of the key ingredients:

dynamite, pole vaulting,
laughing gas, choppers--

Can you see how incredible
this is going to be? Come on!

I can't do it.
I know, but if he doesn't have
the enthusiasm, then who needs him?

Oh, you said a mouthful.
If you want, I could speak to him.
Would you, Mr. Henry?
That'd be great.

- Sugar cone?
- You bet.

- Do you want anything, Anthony?
- No, thanks.

You know...
you're breaking his heart,
you know that, don't you?

What do you mean?
Kid that worked
on one of my garden crews--

I mean, nice fella,
but he didn't perform.

So I had to fire him.
Then six months later...
I get a call from a gas station...
about 200 miles
outside of Victoria there.

I said, "What the hell
are you doing out there?"

But there's something in his voice.
You know what I'm saying?
I felt for him.
I mean, poor guy.

Here he is, he thought he had a team.
Turns out to be a man alone.
And that's tough, man.
Real tough.

Here you go.
