Broken Arrow

Make sure you get Hale! Go!
There are still two attack helicopters
headed this way!

Not any more!
They've just been recalled!

I'll check further ahead!
That's where they're headed!

Get to work!
You see, Mr Pritchett,
they believe they've got an exposed core...

.. and that changes things remarkably.
Cos it wouldn't be right to just send people
into an active radiation area.

First you have to take a picture
from a satellite.

It takes about an hour and a half
just to change orbit.

Then they gotta send in a NEST.
That's a Nuclear Emergency Search Team.
Closest one is about two hours from here.
So, by the time they find us, we'll be gone!
So relax!
- Think your radio can reach McMurran?
- Clyde will patch us through.

We can get your people in here,
then I can go home and feed my dog.

Clyde, this is Terry. Do you read me?
Hello, Clyde. This is Terry.
Do you read me?
