
[ Laughing ]

Just something Archie did.
He's crazy.

What, are you gettin'
sweet on this guy ?

- No.
- Let me tell you something.

You pal around
with somebody long enough,

you forget
he's the bad guy.

[ Laughter ]
[ Laughter ]
So why don't you tell me about
your damn self, Mr. Keats ?

Well, the truth is,
there ain't much to say.

l mean, you know, l did some time
up north for breaking and entering,

a little armed robbery,
petty shit like that.

Well, what about references ?
Do you trust this man, Moses ?

Mr. Colton, l trust
this guy with my life.

That's good, that's good.
l mean, because trust is a very
important commodity in business.

True that.
True that !

[ Laughing ]
True that, true that.

And l wanna tell you who l trust.
l trust Moses here.

Thank you.
And l trust my colleague,
Mr. Bledsoe.

But most importantly, Mr. Keats,
l wanna tell you who l don't trust.

- l don't trust you.
- Yo !

Hey !
See, l don't trust you
'cause, hell, l don't know you.

- Search him.
- This is bullshit.
l don't wanna search him.

You search him,
not 'cause you want to,

but because you have to,
you understand ?

Jesus !
Mo, this is like
some embarrassing shit, man.

l know this guy
like l know myself.

lf he's a cop, l'll suck
your dick, Mr. Colton.

Jesus, l'm sorry, bro.
See, no wires !

Well, hell, search him.
- Nothin'.
- [ Frisking ]

Well, fine. lf you don't ask, you
never know. You know what l'm saying ?

Now remember, nobody moves
until Jack gives us the word...

that Colton is on the premises.
- Understood ?
- Listen, Cap.

Yes, Jack ?
- l wanna be the one to bring Archie in.
- What ?

There's gonna be a lot of testosterone
flyin' around here today.
