City Hall

Never left me.
I had the dream...
...and I had the weight.
Like one of those guys before me said:
"If a sparrow dies in Central Park,
I feel responsible. "

Well said. I feel that way.
I was gonna take
that feeling with me...

...all the way to Washington.
The things you could have done.
Fucking things I could've done.
You're gonna take yourself out, John.
You're gonna take yourself out.
Take a long vacation in Greece.
Pick up the law again.
Go the way of William O'Dwyer.
He fucked up
and played ambassador to Mexico.

I'm not that ambitious.
Then suck it up,
and find some other way.

Listen to you.
I thought I'd see a boy's tears.
The tears are there.
Just can't see them right now.
