Clara Hakedosha

Eh, dad?
I think the past is much more interesting than the future.
We have one, in the class, that knows what will happen in the future.
Who's that?
You don't know her. A Russian, kind of weird.
With purple eyes.
This is the first time you're talking about girls in this house.
You know, when I was your age,
my dream was to know what everybody's thinking about me.
I'd lie for hours in bed, trying to imagine
what each and every one of the kids thinks about me.
Until this day I keep dreaming about knowing what others are thinking.
Mainly, I'd like to know what my inmates are thinking while I...
beat the hell out of them.
I'm not talking about the thoughts they have when they think they're not guilty
but about what they're thinking when they see my hand
smacking on their face at 120 kmh.
What are they thinking?
How did you say that girl was called?
Clara. Her name is Clara.
I'm freaking out in here. I'm gonna call Rosie.
... These little children with the orange capes.
This is how it would look in your own back yard,
where you children play in the afternoon
the day after the mushroom sinks.
We came on a dead day.
Say, who's that Marilyn Monroe, after which the seismographic institute is called?
Marilyn Monroe. What, don't you know her?
She was Richter's whore. The one from the earthquake scale.
