Down Periscope

This is Captain Tom Dodge.
No one has ever been court-martialled
for following the captain's orders.

However, if any of you would like
to support Pascal, you may speak up now

without fear of punishment
or reprisal from me.

Well, Mr Pascal, looks like
you're guilty of attempted mutiny.

That's absurd. These men love me!
Mr Stepanak, would you
come to the control room, please?

¶ Come all ye young fellows
who follow the sea

¶ Yo-ho and blow the man down
¶ It's time to be bathing Lieutenant Marty
¶ Yo-ho and blow the man down
¶ Oh, give me a plank
that looks down on the sea

¶ Yo-ho and blow the man down
¶ It's a short little walk bound for eternity
¶ Yo-ho and blow the man down
¶ Blow that nutso kooky punk back downtown
Captain Blood, bring forth the prisoner.
- Hey, Nitro. Ain't that one of my chickens?
- No, it's a parrot.

- From the Caribbean.
- Don't let it fly away. That's supper.

(pirate-like cries of "Aar!")
(pirate accent) Mr Pascal. Have you any
last words before you walk the plank, sir?

You can't do this, you maniac.
This is the modern navy!

People don't walk the plank.
Cap'n Blood, consign him to the briny deep!
Sonar, play me a dirge, matey.
("Funeral March")
