
[ EIton ] I am so Iooking forward
to this evening.

A party is a party,
but a Christmas party !

Where is Miss Smith ?
I have some sad news.
Miss Smith is iII and cannot
be with us this evening.

Sad Ioss to our party.
She wiII be missed
at every moment.

However, I feeI,
and I hope you wiII concur...

that smaII parties are the best.
I wouId rather faII short by two
than exceed by two.

And how fortunate...
that the snow comes now
instead of yesterday when it might
have made our party impossibIe.

Now that wouId have been a reaI cause
for sadness, wouId it not ?

- Yes, wouId you Iike a whiskey ?
- Not at the moment.

Oh, thank you, thank you, yes.
Weather of this severity
is no friend of mine, I fear.

I know that too weII,
Mr. Woodhouse.

My son Frank has written
and toId us something most exciting.

- Miss Woodhouse, are you warm enough ?
- Yes, thank you.

- When did you receive his news ?
- The Ietter arrived today.

And on the opening we had the most
wonderfuI surprise. Frank said--

Some of the other Iadies were saying
they were not warm enough.

I am quite comfortabIe.

I saw how cIose you were to the fire and
thought perhaps you might be too warm.

Mr. EIton, I am in
the perfect state of warmness.

[ Weston ] At first
I couId not beIieve it,

so I asked Mrs. Weston
to read the Ietter herseIf...

to make sure I was not dreaming,
but indeed Frank said--

Miss Woodhouse, is there
any effort I might make...
