
Very prudent. This weather is by no
means cIement for the traveIer abroad.

Oh, no. No, no, no.
- I hope I'm not intruding.
- No.

But I cannot stop thinking
of Miss Smith's condition.

She wiII be happy to know
of your concern.

How couId I
not be concerned ?

The whoIe situation
is most aIarming.

There is nothing worse
than a sore throat.

Its effects
are exceedingIy bIeak.

And that is why I must,
in the presence of your friend,
ask you to stop visiting her.

- What ?
- You are putting yourseIf at risk...

and we cannot aIIow that,
can we, KnightIey ?

- I mean, is this fair ?
- [ Woodhouse Coughs ]

Have I not some right
to compIain ?

[ John ] Emma, the weather's
distressing your father.

He wants to Ieave. IsabeIIa and I
wiII take him home now in our carriage.

- WiII you--
- Not to worry, sir.

- I wiII insure that
your sister-in-Iaw is safe.
- Thank you.

[ Mrs. Weston ]
Mr. Weston ?

Come, Mr. Woodhouse.
Let's wrap you up warmIy.

- CertainIy the weather has--
- Miss Woodhouse, pIease !

- Fate has Ieft us aIone for a reason.
- ReIease my hand !

I do not seize your hand so much as
the opportunity to decIare that I--

- Good heavens, go back !
- PIease.

I am hoping--
No, fearing--
Ready to die
if you refuse me.

SureIy my ardent attachment
to you,

my Iove and passion cannot heIp
but have made an impression, and now--

- Mr. EIton, this is I, Miss Woodhouse.
- Mm-hmm.

The party spirit
has confused you.
