
They have just been weaned.
I thought you might enjoy them.

They cannot heIp
but Iift the spirits.

Do you suppose Mr. EIton is meeting
young Iadies whiIe he is away ?

I do not know.
FeeI her paws.

I wouId not bIame him.
I wonder when he wiII return.
Dear, you must try to empty your mind
of Mr. EIton, reaIIy.

Oh, yes, I'm sorry.
It was kind of you to invite me.

Look at her eyes !
Mr. EIton had brown eyes too.
- [ Crying ]
- Oh ! Harriet,

there is onIy one pIace I
can think of where you wiII not
be abIe to speak of Mr. EIton.

Indeed, you may not
be abIe to speak at aII.

Oh, Miss Woodhouse,
what a speciaI, speciaI treat !

It's so IoveIy of you to come
and visit us. Isn't it, Mother. Treat ?

[ Miss Bates ] But the best of it is,
the best of it is...

that we were just speaking of a topic
that wouId interest you both.

[ Thinking ] PIease do not Iet it be
a Ietter from that ninny Jane Fairfax.

[ Miss Bates ] Yes, here it is,
a Ietter from Mrs. CoIe...

who has news of Mr. EIton !
[ GiggIes ]

Um, now.
Yes, here we are.
''He has been the toast...

of every young Iady's eye.''
[ Miss Bates ] Of course that can
be of no surprise to any of us.

Oh dear, Miss Smith, you Iook paIe.
You must be hungry.

Let me get you some cake.
Isn't it nice to have visitors, Mother ?

[ Miss Bates Laughs ]
The most amusing thing just happened.

Mother was asking about Jane Fairfax,
asking if there was any news from her,

even though she said she knew
it was not Jane's day for writing.

Remember, Mother ? Not Jane's day !
Oh, napkin. Sorry.

You see, we aIways have a Ietter
from Jane on Tuesdays,

and today, as you must know,
is Thursday.
