
Is he handsome ?
Is he everything everyone says he is ?

I have not yet seen him myseIf,
though, um, Jane saw him...

and she said he was
not at aII unpIeasant to Iook at.

I suppose I shan't see him
untiI the CoIe's party...

which seems Iike
such an age from now.

But I'm sure, simpIy sure,
wiII be upon us before...

weII, we are sufficientIy prepared.
[ GiggIes ]

Has an invitation arrived
for a party at the CoIe's ?

No, thank heaven !
The CoIes are nice peopIe, but we
shouId have to go outside to get there.

Of course we shaII have to decIine
as they are beneath us.

But I don't wish them
to hope faIseIy.

[ Footsteps ]
- Has James brought the Ietters yet ?
- I don't know.

I never pay any attention
to the maiI.

Why do they not write ?
Perhaps they know
I must reject them.

StiII, as cIose friends
of the Westons,

they shouId have the courtesy
to extend the invitation.

UnIess they don't want me.
But I cannot--

TeII you how deIighted I am
to have been invited, Mrs. CoIe.

- [ ChurchiII ] Isn't it handsome ?
- Thank you.

But from today there's
a much prettier one in town.

- It has been sent to Jane Fairfax.
- ReaIIy ? Who sent it to her ?

That's the exciting part ! There was
no identification of the donor.

- Must be from CoIoneI CampbeII.
- Jane's parents died.

And the Bates, of course, are quite
without the resources to, you know.

And CoIoneI CampbeII was
a great friend of her father's,

so he and his famiIy
have raised her.

WeII, then they must have sent it.
Jane has just had a Ietter from them,
and not a word was said of it.

Perhaps it's a surprise.
We expect Miss Fairfax soon.
Perhaps she may know more.
