Escape from L.A.

I'll take the coat.
You'll take 'em all.
All right. LA's being primed as a
beachhead for an invasion of the US.

War is being declared,
Plissken, or didn't you know?

Oh, I forgot. You don't give a shit.
Cuervo Jones runs Shining Path.
They want North America.

The revenge
of preindustrial societies.

Shining Path has united
Third World countries.

The Cubans and Brazilians
will invade Miami.

The Colombians are at the border,
we've got a full-scale attack.

- High stakes.
- How am I going in?

Under the San Fernando Sea. Shark
Three submarine, one-man submersible.

Just like the turbine model,
only this one's nuclear-powered.

It's very simple.
Throttle up, throttle back.

Put ashore at the Cuegan Pass.
Go through the mountains
toward the Hollywood Bowl.

Locate the survivor
of the rescue team.

He's your only source of information.
- Do I bring him back?
- Negative.

- Figures.
- He's probably already dead.

Once you go inside,
you're on your own.

Get the black box
back to the submarine.

It's your only way out.
