Escape from L.A.

Although I was going to take you
to Cuervo Jones' place.

- Where is it?
- Right over there.

It's pretty neat, huh?
It's Cuervo's car. He lets me use it.

Don't worry, you've just
been shot with a fun gun.

Feel it? You feel it?
It's pure mesh, man.
100-proof artery choker.

When the hit pulls you an inch
from death, that is living.

I'm actually Cuervo's agent,
I'd love to represent you too.

We could make a bundle.
Help your career.

Last couple of years,
it's like you've disappeared...

I know what the cops sent him to do.
Plissken was the second rescue team,
looking for the box and the girl.

All I'm asking for is a finder's fee.
Maybe Wisconsin. I don't know.

- We're almost set up, Cuervo.
- Good.

I originally heard about this
when I was working for NASA.

Common, ordinary remote-control unit.
Yeah? Everyone's got one, right?

Here's the kicker.
This instruction disk hooks you
into the Sword of Damocles,

the ultimate defensive weapon system.
You see that?
A ring of satellites
encircling the earth.

Attached to each satellite
is a mega neutron bomb.

When detonated, each satellite
unleashes an intense
electromagnetic pulse,

but EMP doesn't harm a living thing.
But it does shut down every known
power source, all electrical devices,

cars, aeroplanes, toasters,
computers, everything...
even batteries.

But this... makes this
an aiming device

that gives the user
incredible accuracy.
