Everyone Says I Love You

Just a dreamer...
aren’t we all?
In my dreams, each
night it seems...

my sweetheart comes to call.
He’s so charming,
strong and tall.

It’s alarming
howl fall.

He’s ideal.
But then he isn’t
real and I’m a fool.

But aren’t we all?
Can I tell you
how I see us?

We get married and we live
by my parents in Sharon.

I could never
leave New York.

We leave my parents in Sharon,
right? We live in New York.

It’s just that we may want
more space if we have 4 kids.

I want two children.
Two is perfect.
Two is perfect for me...
because four is...
really a lot and...
you’ll stay at home...
No, I’ll be working.
When not working full-time.
You’ll have a career. Journalism.

Architecture? Since when?
I don’t know, just
some thoughts I’ve had.

I mean, you majored
in journalism, but...

The important thing is...
that we agree on just about
everything, it seems.

Shall I bring the dessert, sir?
It’s time for
dessert? Yes, it is.

Excuse me a second. I’ll
just tend to a small matter.
